All tagged Shichida Junmai Daiginjo Sake

Bolivar Belicosos Finos – Shichida Junmai Daiginjo Sake

nteresting combo this week. A popular and well known cigar with something a little more leftfield – a cracking sake.

The Belicosos. A pyramid, 52x140mm. A cigar which, according to Trev’s magnificent site, has been with us since pre-1960.

This example smoked very well. rich, chocolatey, dark fruits. It took a little time to get into stride but went well when it did. It was more Christmas cake than the typical earthiness one thinks of when one smokes Bolivar. This smoke had what seems to be referred to as ‘the elusive perfect draw” but what is that? Over to Ray, I think? Slightly tight is pretty close for me. And this was.

Overall, a long slow smoke. Always like that. Quite powerful as would…