All tagged Lark Legacy Cask 1 HHF582B Malt Whisky

Trinidad Fundadores – Lark Legacy Cask 1 HHF582B Malt Whisky

Oh, talk about Sophie’s choice. The weight of the world hanging on a couple of decisions.

As soon as all the rugby league players and wives and families and parasites were across the border, it was closed for health reasons. Those jelly-backed vermin called politicians (always amazes me that there are not a lot more assassinations – I guess they are not worth the cost of a bullet) shut the border for health reasons. The monumental hypocrisy. But that is not today’s topic (it is every day’s topic, but we’ll leave it for now).

The border closure means I might miss the annual fishing trip – for which I would never forgive any of them. Have spoken with the government representatives and they assure me I can get back. The border pass thingee on the internet suggests so as well. Of course, that does not mean that the cops on the border will agree. So I might be stuck for a month (plus I am trying to settle the new place, not easy interstate).

Worse places to be stuck – I remember being in Europe when that Icelandic volcano with the unpronounceable name shut all…