All in By Ken Gargett - 2021

El Rey del Mundo Regional Release Asia Pacific ‘Aniversario’ 2012 – Sullivan’s Cove French Oak Old & Rare Whisky HH0600.

Long time since I have done a Kenfessions and my apologies for that. Largely as the last four – five months, I have smoked about one cigar a month, thanks to circumstances. Shingles laid me flat out for several months, unable to do anything, and that led to hospital. On the mend, infinitely better than I was. And exile should be coming to a close, so I will be able to relocate and set up the new home shortly, fingers crossed.

So at the moment, still at Hastings Point and Sunday arvo, I thought what a good time to have a crack at a Kenfessions. I have lamb shanks cooking for dinner and got some work done this morning, so to my favourite spot in the world for a cigar – outside, not far from the Ocean. The plan, as always, a good cigar and then something worthwhile to match with a top book or two.

I was going with an old Talisman which…

Romeo y Julieta Churchill – Chimay Blue Label Beer 2017

Still trapped down south of home but some days are better than others. Today, a parade of humpbacks passing by, leaping presumably for the sheer joy of it. Great to watch.

On those all-too-rare occasions when I do drag myself outside for a cigar, I am often joined by either the local scrub turkeys or the magpies. Neither show any fear and will wander around or even, for the magpies, fly onto the table next to me. All very nice although the magpies do have a fearsome looking beak that could do a lot of damage if you got on the wrong side of one. As I was to witness.

Upstairs looking down and I noticed a magpie in the bushes next door. Thought it might have trapped a small bird in there and was trying to get hold of it. Next thing, it pulls out a reasonable sized snake. Hard to tell what it was but I suspect either a green tree snake or a whip snake. The latter would presumably be poisonous to something the size of a magpie. Did not matter. The poor snake stood no chance. The magpie tore it to shreds. Chopped it up and flew off with pieces for the family, I assume.

I shall be very careful when next the…

Montecristo Especiale No 1 – Rutherglen Muscats

Our dear friend Fuzz recently chastised me for not having a better filing system in my life. I figure I have many filing systems so that has to be a better way to do things than just one. However, it does mean that ever so occasionally, things slip through.

As I am certain that anyone who has gotten close enough to me to hear me whinge of late, you’ll be aware that I am stuck south of the Queensland border unable to get home and having contracted an unbelievably painful case of shingles followed by what is known as postherpetic neuralgia, which one gets if one does not diagnose the shingles soon enough. Although I am sure some doctors on the site could provide more, and more accurate details. Anyway, as I have probably bored half the world with, as my rash did not appear until later in the proceedings, shingles was not considered. We went from possible blood clots (I have form with this, though not for fifteen years) to some form of bursitis to a prolapsed disc to an arthritic hip to, when finally the rash deemed to show itself, shingles. I'd had all sorts of orthopods and specialists slinging advice so when…

Cohiba Siglo V – Pusser’s Old Admiralty Rum - Pusser’s Gunpowder Rum

Time for a break this arvo so dug into the old seconds and found a cracker, a Cohiba Siglo V, though why it was ever in a seconds box, I have no idea. looked in cracking condition to me. And was. Been doing some stuff on rums lately and had some of the Pusser’s left. Pusser’s Old Admiralty Rum/Pusser’s Gunpowder Rum. Everything went very well.

Siglo V is not a Siglo which I often smoke, not sure why (well, cost probably). Ring gauge 43; length 170 mm. The way it kicked off – I lit very carefully as there was a sea breeze blowing through – I thought that this might have a reasonable amount if age on it, but by then end, perhaps not. No matter.

Opened with milk chocolate and gave that impression of being ‘dry’, if that makes sense. Obviously not a flavour. The chocolate lasted, that dry nature did not. Very quickly, a really lovely sweet core emerged. Then some caramel (yes, I took careful note and definitely some caramel). Spices, citrus, glacéd fruit. Just gorgeous. With a cracking book, one of the…

Partagas Lusitania – Chichibu Ichiro’s Wine Wood Reserve Malt Whisky – “I Love Lusi”

As the otherwise largely obscure (now) French poet, Paul Claudel, said, “Gentlemen, in the little moment that remains to us between the crisis and the catastrophe, we may as well drink a glass of champagne”.

Yes, it has been that sort of week (and forgive me but there have been a few spoilers already on the forum).

What a nightmare few days. Edging closer to settling a new house, but it still seems as though it is a million miles away and with a vendor keen to crash the contract and a bank trying not to keep stumbling over its own twisted incompetency, there is still every chance I’ll be on a park bench.

Over a year ago, with the burglary and the old place crumbling, I knew I needed to sell and move. Loved that old place, but it needed way too much work and I had neither the ability nor the dosh. The sale took months before and after the contract. Including 8 extensions – not all of them caused by my Bank, or their bank, but my bank lost the docs twice, theirs lost theirs once; mine sent the docs to the wrong branch on…

Trinidad Fundadores – Lark Legacy Cask 1 HHF582B Malt Whisky

Oh, talk about Sophie’s choice. The weight of the world hanging on a couple of decisions.

As soon as all the rugby league players and wives and families and parasites were across the border, it was closed for health reasons. Those jelly-backed vermin called politicians (always amazes me that there are not a lot more assassinations – I guess they are not worth the cost of a bullet) shut the border for health reasons. The monumental hypocrisy. But that is not today’s topic (it is every day’s topic, but we’ll leave it for now).

The border closure means I might miss the annual fishing trip – for which I would never forgive any of them. Have spoken with the government representatives and they assure me I can get back. The border pass thingee on the internet suggests so as well. Of course, that does not mean that the cops on the border will agree. So I might be stuck for a month (plus I am trying to settle the new place, not easy interstate).

Worse places to be stuck – I remember being in Europe when that Icelandic volcano with the unpronounceable name shut all…

Cohiba Robusto – Stanton & Killeen Rare Muscat

We were headed up river, the same direction as Kurtz. Okay, I know that for most of us, that would mean a trip up the Mekong, but this is Conrad’s Kurtz, not Coppola’s. There are moments in your life when you look back and think, perhaps that would have been the time for a good cigar.

Bit over thirty years ago I did the big backpacker thing for the best part of a year – mostly Africa and parts of Asia. In those days, I had about one cigar a year and I remember I took one on that trip (it spent seven months in my backpack before I smoked it at a group final dinner in Kathmandu – no prizes for guessing what a shocker it must have been).

With all the house/Covid/life crap going on (and yes, so many people so much worse off than I am), I decided I needed an afternoon outside with a good cigar and a drink. Work stuff delayed this and so the big cigar planned was reduced, and I opted for a CoRo for this Kenfessions. Matched it with a Stanton & Killeen Rare Muscat. Take me now lord, that is such a monumentally…

Montecristo LE Sublimes 2008 - Havana Club Barrel Proof Rum (Flor de Cana 7-Year-Old Rum).

A gutful of deadlines, impending border closures, Covid jabs, no new digs on the horizon unless I win gold lotto pronto, missing Rob's annual lunch. Needed a decent cigar and I had collected some of Rob's famous seconds for Kenfessions, so late Saturday arvo was allocated.

Rolled out the outdoor couch and gear, got a terrific book and some rums and picked an old fave from the bundle. Current digs are terrific - how many places can you look out the window and see whales leaping? This is one of a set of town houses on the northern side of the creek at HP (the old man and his mates built them several decades ago and most are still in the same family hands from back then) and during the week, and many weekends, hardly a soul to be seen. This weekend, the family next door (fantastic people - I used to work worth, well actually for, the patriarch back in the legal days and always one of the nicest guys you could meet) with the grandkids, who have healthy lungs! The other side, the sons of their patriarch have about 20 of their mates down for a weekend session, but they are all good kids - last seen heading off to…

Ramon Allones Superiores – Husk Bam Bam Spiced Rum, plus apps.

May I take this opportunity to point out how delighted I was to see our lord and master stuff up and wipe, not one but two video reviews, thanks to technical incompetence. I am not the only technosaur involved in this chaos.

I will confess that technology and I are not always close.

Apps. Lord spare me, why does the world needs apps? We all got along perfectly well without them. Now, apparently, you can’t go anywhere without using apps. Generations lived and died without apps and did so perfectly happily. We invented phones, air-con, television, cars and so much more and those people had never been weighed down with apps. Before we had apps, we did not have Covid!! Think about that.

We got to the moon without apps. Granted we got to the moon before someone had the brilliant and so simple idea to put little wheels on suitcases, so we didn’t get everything right.

But now I apparently need apps to travel and to park. Spare me.

The annual release of the Penfold's Collection is going ahead this year, and it will be followed by a dinner for some of the hard workers to celebrate the…

Cohiba Espléndido – Alberta Premium Cask Strength Rye.

A friend put me onto Ricky Gervais’ brilliant series, ‘After Life’. Funny but rather depressing. If you are not familiar, he plays a bloke who has lost the love of his life and just wants it all to end it all and has become the world’s rudest man. There are times you just go, ‘well, I know how he feels’.

But I suspect that unless you are someone who genuinely suffers from depression, then you don’t. I've been fortunate in that, despite being told far too many times by ‘mates’ that I really have a lot to be depressed about, I have only ever suffered very brief bouts. If you have not, then you are seriously fortunate. It is an insidious, horrendous thing. While I have been fortunate, I have seen first hand – as I am sure many of us have – just how awful it can be. A close friend suffered for many years and it simply destroys lives. Incredibly frustrating in that nothing you can do seems to help. I suspect that there are very few of us who have not been affected by the loss of friends or family, induced by depression. A very good mate of mine, would have done anything for his kids (and did), lost a son last week. Gutting beyond comprehension. No warning.

I often think of a couple of friends now gone. And we often talk about them with other friends. None of us had a clue it was likely. Is that our fault? Don’t know. One girl – this is from many years ago – had the world at her feet. Loved by everybody, not a bad word ever spoken about her, brilliant, incredibly…

Partagas Lusitania (TEB May 08) – Isla del Tesoro Rum

It is not easy to be grumpy down on the northern NSW coast – such a beautiful place. Family has been coming here since before I was born. Fishing was far better then, but where was it not? I try and get up and do the dawn beach walk each morning (lot of rain coming later in the week so there might be a sleep-in).

Exquisite this morning. But there is always someone who’ll throw a Spaniard in the works. Every now and again, the horse brigade turn up – if you think cyclists who believe that road rules are not for them and wobble along, lycra-clad fifty-year-olds, two abreast while traffic piles up behind, are bad, they have nothing on horse people. They really do believe they are above any form of courtesy and rules. Their horses crap all over the beach, usually to their amusement. This was such a morning.

Then there are the dog walkers. Most of the dogs are great – far better than their owners – but every so often…

Cohiba Siglo 1 – Glenfarclas 25-Year-Old

Well, this was interesting. I assume that in these days of weird and wonderful technology, something would or could be inserted here to allow that ‘do do do do do do’ riff which is the theme to the ‘The Twilight Zone’ to play. If not, could we all join in a rousing rendition. It would be most appropriate.

Why? This was a cigar of two halves, if I may plunder one of sport’s worst cliches.

First, small cigars. For me, so rarely do they have a place. What is the point? I really don’t get it. Today, sort of. I sort of wanted a cigar but sort of didn’t, if that makes any sense – it makes no sense to me so don’t feel alone! Not had one for ages as been trying to catch up on work and drag myself out of chaos, self-imposed and otherwise (down at the beach shack, I try and do a spell of mother-sitting back in Brizzy every week and also collect all the samples – who is going to whinge when one is the Flor de Cana V Generaciones, their astonishing 30-Year-Old rum). But trying to head back to the shack, on a good run it takes around an hour 40. This time? Four hours. Peak hour and road works. Nightmare. Still have not found…

H. Upmann No 2 – Wild Yak Beer - Glenfarclas 21-Year-Old

Had a squizz back through the records as I figured that both the Upmann 2 and the Glenfarclas 21-Year-Old must have both figured in Kenfessions before. And they have, though only once each and not as a combination. The beer? Well, it was just one of those perfect afternoons. So down for a read and a cigar.

The wildlife was in full swing, to provide some extra entertainment. Rosellas in the trees, a young scrub turkey (when I was somewhat younger than I might be these days, scrub turkeys were very wary of any humans and would disappear as fast as they could – now, not a problem. They will happily forage just feet from you if you stay reasonably still), the occasional sea eagle overhead and plenty of other birds, plus a young bearded dragon, happily sunbathing. He didn’t mind when I came close for a look, but what does scare the bejeesus out of them is any shadow from a passing bird. If you have ever seen a hawk take a dragon, and they can take dragons several times bigger than they are, you can easily understand why.

Last time it was me ranting about the imbecilic government not locking looney tunes…

Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure One – Fossey’s Barrel Gin.

This morning, I saved a turtle. I really thought that might give me some positive karma because the divinities know, I need it. I won’t go over the last six months of crap – I know others have things much worse, but spare me, I must have been a really bad person last life. Perhaps I’ll get to all that soon.

Anyway, after today’s endless farce (actually farces), I hit the wall. Gave up. As someone who normally reads every day, even if only 5 minutes before crashing, or a couple of hours if the opportunity arises, it has been January since I opened a book. So this afternoon, down at the beach shack – my fave place for a cigar as I have mentioned before, I took myself downstairs it the outside, pulled out the couch and fired up an Epi 1. Been here about three weeks and this was my first chance.

Was going to pull out some you-beaut whisky or rum but I thought, no, a gin. It was very much a gin afternoon.

I've been fortunate to have seen a large chunk of the world and I say without hesitation or without any belief that this can be contested, the weather in south-east Queensland/northern NSW in April/May is the best in the world, anywhere, anytime. Put simply, I know this because it cannot be better. Of course, as soon as I think that, although I have said it for years, the gods giggle and…

Romeo y Julieta Churchill - Four Pillars Negroni Gin and Mt Franklin Sparkling Water with hint of Mango - Superbowl. 

Along with many members, watching the Superbowl is a tradition which cannot be tampa’d with (you see what I have already done there). I remember the old days. The only game we’d get all year would be the Superbowl and it would be shown about 3am, between teams we’d never heard of, with rules that made no sense. I do remember Bradshaw. Liked him. And they looked a bit like giant bumblebees, which appealed to a kid – not that I would have ever told Joe Greene that. I'm sure I ale=ready hated Dallas back then but I'm not too sure about that.

These days, things are so much better and I can watch as much as I want.

But Superbowl Monday cannot be interfered with, for any reason. And these days, with a cigar and a drink.

Like many Aussies, happy to watch any…